the onion av club just posted a pretty fat list of fucking retarded band names, some with actual links to band sites or myspace pages. there are some pretty good ones.
i just had to eat a fake turkey sandwich without any condies which made me remember this little museum of condiment packets. you have to check this's free.
If you're in the NYC area on Friday come on out to The Fix, located behind Sound Fix Records on Bedford in Williamsburg and hear the man behind ravensingstheblues DJ a whole passle of psych and garage classics. DJing starts at 11:30. Hope to see you there!
tonight i went to death by audio and saw high places, lucky dragons and the vivian girls but spent more time hanging out with my busch beer and the point and shoot. i was bored so i decided to see if people were into bending over a bit and showing their butts and this is what happened. ....and these are just a few. who likes tights?
The Black Lodge Singers of White Swan, Washington are one of the most respected pow-wow groups in North America. Headed by Kenny Scabby Robe of the Blackfeet, the Black Lodge Singers are largely drawn from his twelve sons. In demand as a host drum at pow-wows around the United States and Canada, Black Lodge has released twenty albums for Canyon Records including an album of pow-wow songs composed specifically for children, like this one.
you should take a look at these beautiful sixties show posters and handbills. printings of family dog, fillmore, and grand ballroom stuff. good shit man.
joanna newsom poster i designed this last year while working at blue collar press which is located in lawrence kansas. good folks! nice town. the poster was published in print magazine's regional design annual nov/dec 2007 issue. 1,026 winning designs make this their biggest issue ever.